Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy new year!

Hello all you loyal fans!

Not a lot of posts lately (in fact, no posts...) but it's a new year, and with that comes new promises (made to break) and new hopes (meant to fade). My promise is to start blogging in earnest, and my hope is that I'll keep that promise :-)

As I'm writing this, I'm on a two week vacation back in Iceland, and it's already a few hours into 2007, although back home people are still in the old days of 2006, waiting eagerly for the clock to turn Midnight.

As is customary for many blogs, I have a few predictions for the new year:
  • I will be healthier. Healthier food, more exercise, all the usual yaddy-yadda. No new year can be greeted without this promise.
  • I will blog more. 'nuff said...
  • I will finally get my little hobby website started at - the idea behind this website is to collect all the cool tools, documentation, knowledge, etc, that exist on the web today to help people start their own business. More to come about this on these blog pages.
Now it's public, so the humiliation will be equally public (as in 2 readers, both spammers) if I don't keep "them promises".

I wanted to attach a picture from the cold Holiday season here up north, but since I'm using a brand new laptop my father-in-law just got, the only pictures I have are the ones in the Sample Pictures folder, so enjoy the beautiful sunset, symbolizing my farewell to the great year of 2006.

- Gummi