Friday, July 09, 2004

Does my scooter pay off?

Now that I've owned the scooter for about a month, I've been thinking whether buying the scooter actually was a wise decision.

To be able to compare to any other alternatives, let me first describe my situation. I use the scooter to commute to work, about 20 miles each day total back and forth. My alternatives would then be to a) not buy the scooter and use public transportation, b) have my wife give me a ride each day or c) buy a car for the commute.

Looking at these options, a) is out of the question, even though it would probably be the cheapest one, since I have to take 2 buses, and the combined ride takes about one and a half hour!

Option b) is not good for several reasons, the main one being that it would be a total waste of time for my wife, and expensive too, since it would mean double the milage each day.

So I'm down to option c) as an alternative to my scooter purchase. I still haven't answered the question whether the scooter purchase will pay off, but at least I have an alternative scenario to compare to. More to come on this subject...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Does this really work?

I am trying out the e-mail to blog functionality, not sure how it turns up but I sure hope it works. That way I can work on my blog through e-mail, which is very convenient for me. 'Nough said.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

And then Microsoft sent this basket to my hotel room. They obviously wanted to make sure when I blogged about this I would be on the positive notes, he he. Posted by Hello

I went to Seattle to interview with Microsoft, but then when I came the position had been closed :-( But they tried to make it up to me by putting me on this hotel. Pretty nice! Posted by Hello

Mr. MacDonald in a good mood, as always... Posted by Hello

Everybody having fun in the classroom... Posted by Hello

I use the scooter to commute to work, and opposite to car drivers, I actually like heavy traffic because that way I can pass all the lines of cars, he he. Posted by Hello

This is my Lime Green Scooter, a great machine, and capable of UP TO 30 MPH!!! Beat that, hah! Posted by Hello

A great picture of me... Posted by Hello