Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Productivity Tip: First Things First

When I got to the office this morning and looked at my schedule I realized I wouldn't get a ton done today. What I saw resembled more a minefield than a smooth sailing productive day, with lots of small slots in between several meetings. The outlook was pretty grim.

I've gotten into the habit of jotting down a few "must-do" tasks the night before. I usually have 2-3 per day, and the idea is that by the end of the week, assuming I finish all those tasks, I've accomplished 10-15 meaningful tasks. Doesn't matter if I screwed everything else up, as long as I chose my tasks carefully and aligned them with my important goals (easier when you're at home at night, outside of the daily "chatter" from other people). Usually I tell myself that I will do those tasks first, and then everything else... but I usually don't do that.

But today, I figured that wouldn't even finish my 2 must-do tasks given the limited time I had to actually work (as opposed to the "work" called meetings) - unless I simply focused on the must-do tasks and nothing else. So that's what I did. Just 5 minutes email scan to make sure nothing was burning, and then I dove in. And you know what? It actually turned out to be a very productive day after all!

The point is, figure out what's most important for you to do, be ruthless when prioritizing, and stay focused on getting those things done. It's very easy to fall off this path, but if you try it, you'll immediately feel the impact.

- Gummi

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