Thursday, November 20, 2008

Checking out OmniFocus

Just found out about this pretty cool application called OmniFocus. If I'm not mistaken (which I've been many times before on this topic) this might be the first application that truly makes GTD possible. There are so many tools that "sort of" help you do GTD but always fail at some critical piece. I've got my fingers crossed and will report back when I've given it a full spin.

Btw, I'm a huge fan of online services, and have been using Gmail (sometimes with GTDInbox) to manage my GTD system, especially because I can easily turn emails into actions (a large portion of my work is unfortunately conducted via email), send myself actions to remind myself, and access the system virtually anywhere. However, I also feel that a lot is missing from my setup to make the system truly effective, so I'm going to give a client solution a spin (or I might end up with a hybrid solution... hope not though).

Anyway, will have more details soon, just wanted to share this in case others wanted to try it out. If you have tried, share your thoughts in the comments.

- Gummi

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